You can find a whole lot of Christian debt consolidation companies which seemingly dispel the beliefs of Christianity. This is however incorrect. In their defense, these Christian debt consolidation companies claim that it is Biblical to make use of the programs implemented by a Christian debt consolidation company. The morality of the fact that even a Christian can fall into debt, is a much discussed question within the Christian community.
While a fragment of the community feels that there is no harm to Christianity if Christians get into debt. However the views on the type of debt that is considered fine enough to be undertaken differ significantly. Some quarters feel that it is alright to take up an automobile or home loan, while others think that taking up a personal loan is also fine as long as it being taken for something that has an appreciation value. In other words, it means that any asset that is purchased on loan has a value that is either equivalent or more than the loan amount undertaken.
Another aspect is that the loan amount should not be too high so as to put a negative pressure on the borrower. In their scripture regarding debt and borrowing, Christian companies point to the passages from the Bible. Quotes such as ‘Owe no man any thing, but to love one another’ (Romans 13:8) can be found in the leaflets of Christian debt consolidation companies. Another proverb warns us that, ‘Just as the rich rule over the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender’ (Proverbs 22:7).
Therefore, the Christian debt consolidation companies state clearly that it is Biblical to pay back what we borrow as it says ‘The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously’ (Psalm 37:21). The scriptures of the Christian debt consolidation companies state things like “the Lord wants us to live an abundant life which becomes increasingly more difficult with increasing debt and that being free from any financial encumbrances is an incredible empowering feeling”. These companies claim to be extremely committed to the cause of helping people get back control of their finances and become debt free. Many Christians feel uncomfortable dealing with the non-Christian financial organizations. For such people, going in for a Christian debt consolidation company is a lucrative option. However, it is to be remembered that the Christian debt companies do no have any restrictions on the religious beliefs of their borrowers so as to avoid any discrimination.
The catch here is that these companies function exactly in the same way as a non-Christian Consolidation company would work. There is no reason to choose a Christian debt consolidation service over any other apart from personal preference.